Megan was born and raised in Montana where she grew up carving any glacier she could find in Glacier National Park. Not only does Megan play the chainsaw but she is also an accomplished singer and pianist performing for more than 14 years. Inspired by her mother’s adoption of Megan’s brother and sister, Megan single handedly, wrote and performed her song “Finally Homeward Bound” to raise money for families in process of adoption in need of financial assistance. She up raised over $5,000 in only 2 performances, when she was a mere 17 years old. In the last few years Megan has won numerous awards for her 2D art as well as motion picture graphics and animation work that you can find on YouTube. One of Megan’s college projects for “Miss Me Jeans” was so popular that the marketing director put Megan’s work on the Miss Me Jeans website. Most recently she won the award of “Best Motion Graphic Piece” for the University of Montana. Megan was also a scholar athlete in two sports where she developed her muscles for her mad chainsaw wielding skills. She is now honing her artistic ability while going for her BFA in media arts at the U of M and dialing in her performance skills with The Chainsaw Chicks. Rock on!